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GWA Sixth Form Academic Development Programme

The step up from GCSE to Sixth Form work is significant and can be daunting for some. This is in part due to you having more ownership and responsibility for your own learning. Therefore, careful planning of assignments, revision and home learning is critical to ensure you meet deadlines and reach your aspirational target grades.


Additionally, a fundamental difference between Sixth Form and GCSE academic expectations is the amount of independent study needed for you to be a successful learner. It is recommended that students spend at least 5 hours per week studying independently for each course you are completing. Some of this independent work will be structured through homework and pre-reading, but it can be hard to begin with to know what to do with the remainder of the time.

Therefore, the following resources have been consolidated to help give you the best possible chance of success. Plus, the best part is that spending time ‘learning-how-to learn’ counts in a proportion of your independent study time.


At GWA we have reviewed open access resources available from across the internet and the links and descriptions below have been drawn together to allow our students to gain an overview of the resources available for them to develop their academic and study skills. Credit and thanks are given to all the original authors and creators that resources re-direct to.


Overview of Academic Areas Covered (& when you might need them):

  • Skills needed from day one of Sixth Form are:

    • Reading Skills (including Note Taking)

    • Writing Skills

    • Digital Skills

    • Healthy Study Habits (including Organisation & Time Management)

  • Skills that you will need after a few weeks, when looking to taking your studying further:

    • Revision Skills

    • Communication Skills


  • Skills needed when you have coursework or NEAs set, or you’re looking to reallyadvance your independent studies:

    • Research Skills

    • Referencing Skills

  • The last section provides resources that are specific to subject areas and provide a summary of how successful studying in that subject may differ from others.

  • Glossary – Use this link to make sure you are familiar with commonly used academic terms.

  • Study Skills Checklist – Use this link to work out what study skills you need to improve most and so where it be most useful to spend your time from the resources below.

To help you navigate the resource section below, the following key is used:

❖ This symbol is used at the start of resources that are included in the Study Skills Induction Programme and so students will have seen or used these resources in their tutoring programme.

➢ This symbol is used at the start of resources that were not included in the Study Skills Induction Programme, but that we believe engaging with will support further academic development.

  • 1.A: Notetaking
    ❖ Note-Taking Cornell Style – Video Here (1min) ❖ How to take Cornell notes – Video Here (5:30mins) ➢ How to take notes using the Cornell note-taking method – Video Here (5:30mins) ➢ How to take effective notes – Video Here (1min) ➢ Dual Coding – Video Here (1:30mins) ➢ Newcastle University – Making the Most of your Notes Video (3mins) ➢ Newcastle University – Note-Taking Interactive Activity ➢ University of York – Taking not of note-taking Interactive Activity ➢ University of York – Note-taking: a Practical Guide ➢ University of Bristol – Making and Using Notes Guides and Activities ➢ The Cornell System for Taking Notes – Article Here ➢ Improving your Note Taking – Article Here
  • 1.B: Features of a text
    ➢ Newcastle University – Features of a Text Interactive Activity
  • 1.C: Reading with a purpose
    ❖ Newcastle University – Reading with a Purpose Video (2mins) ➢ University of Bristol – Academic Reading Guides, Activities and Videos ➢ Newcastle University – Emily: Reading Skills Blog ➢ University of Sheffield – Reading Techniques Guides ➢ Improving Reading Comprehension – Article Here ➢ Critical Reading Skills and Strategies – Article Here
  • 1.D: Reading effectively
    ➢ Newcastle University – Reading Effectively Interactive Activity ➢ The SQ3R strategy for Reading textbooks – Article Here ➢ Best Strategies for Reading Textbooks – Article Here
  • 2.A: Academic writing
    ➢ Newcastle University – Typical Features of Academic Writing Guide ➢ Newcastle University – Punctuation Guide ➢ Newcastle University – Using Evidence in Your Work Interactive Activity ➢ Newcastle University – How to Write to a Word Count Video (2mins) ➢ Vocabulary Building Strategies – Article Here ➢ The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Writing Essays – Infographic Here
  • 2.B: Planning your essay
    ❖ Newcastle University – The Stages of Writing an Essy Interactive Activity ❖ Newcastle University – Essay Planner Interactive & Personalised Tool ➢ University of Birmingham – A Short guide to essay planning and structure ➢ University of Sheffield – Essay Structure and Planning Article ➢ Newcastle University – Kelsey: How to Tackle an Essay Blog ➢ The Basics of Effective Essay Writing – Article Here ➢ The 2-minute Essay Plan – Article Here ➢ Steps to Writing a Research Paper – Article Here
  • 2.C: Building your argument
    ➢ Newcastle University – 1. Making Arguments Video (3mins) ➢ Newcastle University – 2. Understanding how to Build an Argument Video (2:30mins) ➢ Newcastle University – 3. Forming your Argument Video (2:30mins)
  • 2.D: Proofreading
    ➢ Newcastle University – Proofreading Video (2mins) ➢ Newcastle University – Spot the Errors Task
  • 2.E: Responding to feedback on your writing
    ❖ Feedback: Responding To Feedback – Video Here (7mins) ➢ Newcastle University – Making the most of your Feedback Video (2:30mins) ➢ Newcastle University – Receiving Feedback on your Work Interactive Activity
  • Digital Skills
    ➢ Newcastle University – Using Technology to Enhance Study Skills Guide ➢ Newcastle University – Charlotte Using Digital Tools Blog ➢ Study & Learning Skills and Strategies for Online Classes – Article Here
  • 4.A: Understanding the transition
    ❖ Leap from GCSE to Sixth Form: realising the challenges – Video Here (5:30mins) ❖ Making the best start in year 12 – Video Here (5:30mins) ❖ Putting in the hours – Video Here (4mins) ❖ Extra-curricular engagement and employability – Video Here (1:30mins) ❖ Extracurricular: Seize and create opportunities – Video Here (6mins)
  • 4.B: Adjusting to independent learning
    ❖ How to Study Effectively for Collage – Video Here (9mins) ❖ Study Periods: Avoiding Distractions in the Study Room – Video Here (6mins) ❖ Growth and Fixed Mindsets: mindsets explained – Video Here (5:30mins) ❖ The Sixth Form Mindset – Video Here (4mins) ❖ Changing Habits: cues, routines, rewards – Video Here (6mins) ❖ University of Cambridge – Going beyond the curriculum ❖ University of Cambridge – Super-curricular suggestions ➢ Newcastle University – Making Study Decisions Video & Examples ➢ Future Learn – Free Improving your Study Techniques Learning Course (4hrs) ➢ Hodder Education – Learning Skills for Sixth Form Success Information Booklet ➢ The Study Cycle: All you need to know – Article Here
  • 4.C: Organisation & Study Space
    ➢ The 6 Habits of Highly Organised People – Video Here (5:30mins) ➢ Newcastle University – Study Space Video (2mins) ➢ Why keep your learning space tidy & organised – Video Here (2mins) ➢ Newcastle University – Sophie: Study Spaces Blog ➢ How to be more Organised in 9 easy steps – Article Here ➢ Finding a good place to study – Article Here ➢ Setting and Achieving Goals – Article Here ➢ Getting Organised for Study – Article Here
  • 4.D: Time Management
    ➢ Newcastle University – Time Management 3 Interactive Activities ➢ 13 Study Tips: The Science of Better Learning – Video Here (5:30mins) ➢ How to manage time as a student, using technology to help productivity – Video Here (7mins) ➢ University of Bristol – Time Management Resources Tools ➢ TedTalk – Tim Urban: Inside the Mond of a Master Procrastinator (14mins) ➢ Newcastle University – Emily: Making the Most of Your Time Blog ➢ Using effective time management to improve your studying – Article Here ➢ Ace your Exams: How to be organised with your study time – Article Here
  • 4.E: Emotional Wellbeing
    ❖ Perfectionism: Recognising perfectionism – Video Here (5mins) ❖ Mental Health: Stress, communication and support – Video Here (8 mins) ➢ Newcastle University – Find Support for Wellbeing Links ➢ Newcastle University – Charlotte: Healthy Study Habits Blog ➢ Conquering exam stress: lessons from our bodies – Video Here (2:30mins)
  • 5.A: Why revise?
    ➢ Newcastle University – Why Revise? Video (2:30mins) ➢ Skills Booster: Effective Revision - Free Learning Course Here (2-5hrs training time)
  • 5.B: Revision strategies
    ❖ Newcastle University – Revision Strategies Interactive Activity ➢ Study Strategies: Retrieval Practice – Video Here (3mins) ➢ Study Strategies: Spaced Practice – Video Here (2mins) ➢ The Interleaving Effect: the better way to learn – Video Here (3mins) ➢ Newcastle University – Study Timetable Customise Tool ➢ Create your own Revision Timetable – Online Tool Here ➢ Worcester Study Centre – Revision Strategies Information Booklet ➢ Newcastle University – Sophie: Revision Techniques Blog ➢ The Forgetting Curve – Article Here ➢ Improving your Memory: Expert Tips – Article Here
  • 5.C: Making the most of your notes
    ➢ Newcastle University – Making the Most of your Notes Video (3mins) ➢ Overview of a Wide Range of Revision Skills – Video Here (8:30mins) ➢ How to make the perfect mind map – Video Here (3mins) ➢ How to use Flash Cards – Video Here (6mins)
  • 6.A: Discussions
    ❖ BBC Learning – How to Think Critically Video (4:30mins) ❖ Newcastle University – Preparing for Classroom Discussions Video (4mins) ➢ TedTalk – Samantha Agoos: 5 Tips to Improve your Critical Thinking (4:30mins) ➢ Newcastle University – Contributing to Classroom Discussions Interactive Task ➢ University of Bristol – Group Work Interactive Activities ➢ University of Sheffield – Group work and Collaboration Guide ➢ Newcastle University – Tom: Communication Blog ➢ Using Study Groups – Article Here ➢ Critical Thinking Skills Guide – Article Here ➢ Improving your Listening Skills – Article Here ➢ A Guide to Active Listening Skills in Education – Article Here ➢ Worcester Study Centre – Flipped Learning Information Booklet
  • 6.B: Presentations
    ❖ Newcastle University – Delivering a Presentation Video (2mins) ➢ Newcastle University – Presentation Tips Information Booklet ➢ Newcastle University – Giving Effective Presentations: Quiz Interactive Activity ➢ University of York – A practical guide to presentations ➢ Newcastle University – Presentation Examples Slide Deck ➢ University of Sheffield – Presentation Skills Article ➢ How to Ace an Oral Presentation – Article Here
  • 7.A: Finding free resources
    ❖ Newcastle University – Guide & links on how and where to research ➢ Newcastle University – Introduction to the Dewey Decimal System ➢ Newcastle University – Dewey Decimal Game ➢ Newcastle University – Tom: Research Skills Blog ➢ How to do Research – Research Skills Article
  • 7.B: Evaluating resources
    ➢ Newcastle University – Types of Resources Interactive Activity ➢ Newcastle University – Interactive Resource Evaluation Checklist ➢ Newcastle University – Choosing Appropriate Resources Interactive Activity ➢ Newcastle University – Strengths & Weaknesses of Sources Interactive Activity ➢ Newcastle Univer sity – Summary Table to Understanding the Pros & Cons of Research Resources
  • 8.A: Referencing
    ➢ Newcastle University – Getting Started with Referencing Video (3:30mins) ➢ Newcastle University – Finding Information for Your Reference Interactive Activity ➢ Newcastle University – Referencing FAQs 4 Videos ➢ Newcastle University – Harvard Referencing Introduction Guide ➢ Newcastle University – Tom: Referencing Blog
  • 8.B: Plagiarism
    ➢ Newcastle University – What is Plagiarism? Guide ➢ Newcastle University – Plagiarism Quiz Interactive Activity
  • Subject Specific Study Skills Guides
    Biology – Study Guide Article Here Business – Study Guide Article Here Chemistry – Study Guide Article Here Computer Science – Study Guide Article Here Economics – Study Guide Article Here English – Study Guide Article Here Foreign Language – Study Guide Article Here Geography – Study Guide Article Here History – Study Guide Article Here Law – Study Guide Article Here Math – Study Guide Article Here Physics – Study Guide Article Here Politics - Study Guide Article Here Sociology – Study Guide Article Here
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