Academy Day
GWA runs a longer day than most other schools to give more learning time and to extend the curriculum through enrichment activities. Students attend school from 8.30am - 3.10pm. On Tuesdays and Wednesdays, enrichment is compulsory for students in Year 7 and 8 until 4.15pm. Students studying in Year 9 and above may be asked to stay for additional intervention until 4.15pm.
Students can access the site from 8.00am and registration at 8.30am is followed by six 50-minute lessons. These lessons follow a broad and balanced curriculum of 15 different subjects in Key Stage 3 with a focus on English and Maths and with Enterprise activities being an important theme for all subjects. Students make their options choices for Key Stage 4 during Year 9. There is a 20-minute reading session each day during which students have the chance to further their reading and literacy skills.
After standard lessons have finished students are able to choose to undertake independent study or take part in a wide range of extra-curricular enrichment activities. This time helps to ensure that students become independent learners with a broad range of skills. On Friday students will be able to leave after ‘standard’ lessons finish at 3.10pm.
Timings of the Academy day
8.00 - 8.30 School open to students before registration
8.30 - 8.50 AM Registration including Assembly / Tutor Time
8.50 - 9.40 Lesson 1
8.40 - 10.30 Lesson 2
10.30 - 10.50 Break
10.50 - 11.40 Lesson 3
11.40 - 12.30 Lesson 4
12.30 - 13.30 Lunch (40 mins) and PM registration.
Year 7, 8, 11, 12, 13 - Lunch 12.30 - 13.10
Year 9, 10, - Lunch 12.50 - 13.30
13.30 - 14.20 Lesson 5
14.20 - 15.10 Lesson 6
15.10 - 16.15 Enrichment (Tuesday and Wednesday, is compulsory for Years 7 and 8)