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Here are GWA we strive for excellence in all we do. We apply our high standard to students and staff alike – we expect everyone in the school community to be the best they can be.


In our ACE values “excellence” refers to all those extra things that make school a positive and happy place to be and build our students into happy, confident young people who will go on to change their part of the world for the better. At GWA this includes:

  • Our enrichment programme, where all students take part in an activity from 3.10 to 4.15pm, Tuesday to Thursday.

  • Competitions and activities within school, including House events such as sports, performing arts, baking, art, chess, debating and more

  • Events with (or against) other schools such as masterclasses, sports matches and music competitions, and links with local primary schools

  • The trips, visits and other activities that so many subjects organise, including the chance to go on school trips abroad

  • Raising money for charity through special events in school

  • Our provision for our most able students

  • The links we make with our local community and businesses, to support our Careers provision


Find out more about this exciting part of our work by reading the links on this section of the website.

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