Making an application to transfer schools
last updated 20 February 2025
Thank you for your interest in joining Great Western Academy. The information on this page explains the admissions process for requests to transfer during the school year​​
If you would like to speak to someone regarding admissions, please telephone 01793 209700 or email
Applying for a place to transfer during the school year
Making your application
All applications for in year transfers must be made via Swindon Borough Council. The link to make your application can be found below
In-year transfers are allocated every 15 school days by Swindon Borough Council. They process in-year applications according to set periods during the school term. Applications received within a process period are not prioritised by their submission date.
How applications are considered​
All applications are considered against the schools admissions criteria, these can be found on the Policies page of the website.
The school priorities applications in the following order​​
Children with an Educational Health and Care Plan which names the school in the plan
Looked after or previously looked after children​
Children of Staff​
Siblings attending the school at the point of admission
All other applications
Within each category, students are ranked according to the straight line distance from the home adress to the school, with those living closest to the school has having priority.
Offer Day​
The dates when the Council offer places are published on their website
What next
If you have been offered a place at Great Western Academy, you are asked to accept the place through the Council. We will also write to you in order to make arrangements to start.
If you have not been offered a place at Great Western Academy, the reason for this will be because the school did not have any places in the required year group or received more applications than there were places available and when considering the application alongside all others who applied, your application was not ranked sufficiently high in the oversubscription criteria to get a place.
Where an application has been refused, there is a right of appeal. The appeal must be submitted in writing through Swindon Borough Council. The link to the appeal form is below
Appeals will be heard in accordance with the Department for Education (DfE) Admissions Appeal Code which can be downloaded from the DfE website.
The appeal should lodged within 20 days of the date of the refusal letter. The appeal must be in writing through Swindon Borough Council as indicated above.
The Council will arrange with Great Western Academy when the appeals are to be heard.
Parents/Carers will be give at least 10 school days’ notes of the appeal date.
Appeal are normally heard within 30 school days of the appeal being lodged.
Waiting list​
Where an application has been refused, the child's name will be automatically be added to the waiting list for the relevant year group.
The waiting list will be held until the end of the academic year. If you wish to remain on the waiting list time, a new application would need to be made for the following academic year.
The waiting list is held according the oversubscription criteria listed above and a child's position on the list will move up or down in relation to whether places are offered or how they rank within the oversubscription criteria.
Enquiries about a child's position on the list can be made by completing this form.