Social, Moral, Spiritual & Cultural
At GWA we fully recognise that the spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) development of students plays a significant part in their ability to achieve in school, develop into positive citizens of Britain and the wider world and, ultimately, to lead successful lives as well-rounded adults.
We aim to provide an education that gives students opportunities to explore and develop their own values and beliefs, spiritual and moral awareness, high standards of personal behaviour, positive, caring attitude towards other people, understanding of their social and cultural traditions and a deep appreciation of the diversity and richness of other cultures.
We achieve this in the following ways:

In the curriculum: ‘Successful Lives’ modules on health and wellbeing, relationships, working with others and living in the world. RS and Geography modules on community
House system: Our Houses (Aderin, Peake and Sharman) provide a sense of community and an opportunity to participate and cooperate whilst in competition
Inter School competitions: GWA students work together in competition against students form other schools
Enterprise Skills: At GWA we teach and track student progress in relation to their development of Teamwork, Problem Solving, Leadership, Presentation, Listening and Creativity skills
PSHCE (Successful Lives) collapsed timetable days (x3 per year): Our Successful Lives Days focus on a variety of issues, including the importance of community and how to resolve conflict
Duke of Edinburgh's Award: GWA is registered as an accredited provider of DofE courses
Enrichment programme: Our daily enrichment offer includes volunteering in the local community and the opportunity for students to socialise, play in teams and compete against one another outside of the classroom
In the Curriculum: History, RS and English focus on moral and ethical choices, exploring choices and knowing right from wrong. All subjects are underpinned by enterprise skills, including ‘presenting’ and ‘listening’, which encourages students to express views and respect the views of others
Positive Behaviour policy: Based around choices, decisions and consequences, positive choices are rewarded and celebrated through our rewards system

Student Behaviour Code: Students will take ownership of their behaviour code through the school council
Assemblies: Our Assemblies link closely to themes from the Successful Lives programme and link to UN global days, underpinned by exploration of morality and ethics
Reading: The daily reading session provides opportunities for students to explore literature based around moral issues and our reading programme encourages students to develop and express their personal views on what they have read

In the curriculum: RS delivers teaching on celebrations, festivals and worship from Christianity, Islam, Hinduism and Judaism. This include visits to/visiting speakers from local churches, gurdwaras, mosque and synagogues. Development of personal values is explored in History and Geography. In English, exploration of human feelings and emotion is central to many schemes of learning
Reading: The daily reading session provides opportunities for students to explore literature based around human emotion and feelings
The Arts: Both through the curriculum and through extra-curricular sessions, music, drama and art celebrate the rich diversity of humankind
Assemblies: Our assemblies encourage a collective approach to reflection. Students are encouraged to develop reflective practices throughout the week
Positive Behaviour Policy: The impact of actions on the feeling of others is central to behaviour expectations at GWA. We use simple guidance – work hard, be kind
Teaching and Learning: All lessons start with a ‘hook’ and focus on developing in learners a feeling of fascination about the world around them. Imagination and creativity are at the heart of active learning and are central at GWA
In the Curriculum: Geography and RS deliver taught units on other cultures. English explores the literary traditions of other cultures. DT explores the culinary traditions of other cultures. In Art, students study the work of artists from around the world, exploring the cultural context of artists and their work
Assemblies: Our assemblies ensure regular focus on celebrations and religious festivals including Christmas, Easter, Chinese New Year, Ramadan, Diwali and saints days. They also explore the value of positive role models as personal influences and will include visiting speakers

Extra-Curricular Programme: Our exciting extra-curricular programme features opportunities for students to develop understanding of a wide range of sporting, artistic and cultural traditions
Student Behaviour Code: The GWA Behaviour Code demonstrates that all students are accepted equally and will play an active part in the school community, regardless of their background

Democracy: GWA students have a ‘voice’. They are taught how to be heard appropriately and to make decisions well. Systems for encouraging student voice are well signposted. Our student council is elected and reflects the legislative set up of UK parliament
Rule of Law: Through their council, students have ownership of the GWA code of behaviour, helping them to make positive decisions. This, combined with the positive behaviour policy, helps to ensure a safe, stable, consistent environment for learning, where all students can thrive
Individual Liberty: The enterprise skills highlighted through the tutor ‘Successful Lives’ programme permeate our curriculum and focus explicitly on developing in young people the independent skills required to succeed in learning and in life. We encourage learner autonomy in selecting appropriate challenge and this features in our schemes of learning. We explore inalienable rights and rights which come with responsibility
Mutual Respect: Working with a wide range of people, both in school and with external visitors, is a clear aim of the GWA. The student behaviour code and positive behaviour policy reflects the value we place in mutual respect for one another
Tolerance of different faiths and beliefs: Our school is at the heart of the growing community in North Swindon and we actively encourage understanding and tolerance of different faiths, opinions and beliefs, as reflected in our RS, History and Successful Lives schemes of learning