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Staff List 2024-2025
Last updated 19 February 2025

Vice Principal (Care)

Vice Principal (Curriculum and Teaching)

Assistant Principal (Personal Development)

Assistant Principal (Care)

Assistant Principal (Curriculum and Progress)

Assistant Principal (Head of Sixth Form)

Assistant Principal (Teacher Development)

Business Manager

Senior Leadership Team                               

Mr Davis
Ms Britton

Mr Clarke

Mr Evans

Mrs Flynn

Mr Greenish

Mr Smith

Mrs Rodway

Mrs Frobisher

Head of Houses and Tutor Groups

Mr Wheatley

Mrs Barbieri

Miss Killick
Miss Scott

Miss Druce
Mr Townsend

Mrs Lynam

Mr Miah & Mr Spencer

Miss Pollard

Miss Rees & Mrs Darko

Mr Ashby

Mrs Hodges

Miss Woolford

Mr Raval

Dr Bamford

Head of Aderin House

Pastoral Intevention Leader

Tutor - 7A1

Tutor - 7A2

Tutor - 8A1

Tutor - 8A2

Tutor - 9A1

Tutor - 9A2

Tutor - 10A1

Tutor - 10A2

Tutor - 11A1

Tutor - 11A2

Tutor - 12A1

Tutor - 13A1
Tutor - 13A2

Mr J Friend 

Mr Spencer
Mrs Moloney

Mrs Booth

Mrs Bekir

Mrs Barron

Mrs Inscoe & Miss Cohen

Mr Oyo

Mr Eveleigh

Mrs Silva & Mrs Bradfield 

Mrs Dragutu

Mrs Hegarty & Mrs Lawrence

Mrs Sullivan & Mrs Kaur

Ms Bergstrom & Mrs Kumari

Miss Bracey
Mrs Bennett & Mrs Harris



Head of Peake House

Assistant Head of Peake House

Pastoral Intevention Leader

Tutor - 7P1

Tutor - 7P2

Tutor - 8P1

Tutor - 8P2

Tutor - 9P1

Tutor - 9P2

Tutor - 10P1

Tutor - 10P2

Tutor - 11P1

Tutor - 11P2

Tutor - 12P1
Tutor - 12P2

Tutor - 13P1

Mrs Chapman  

Mrs Hedges

Miss Larcombe

Miss Weston & Mrs Bradfield

Mrs Harding Selman & Mrs Townsend

Mr Simpson

Mrs Giles

Mrs Chetty & Mrs Jackson

Mr Moreira

Miss Wrona

Mrs Dawson 

Mrs Whittenbury

Miss Gill and Mrs Harris

Miss Stevens

Mrs Shannon & Mr Szymanski  

Mr Chick & Mr Szymanski



Miss Clarke

Mrs Steward

Head of Sharman House

Pastoral Intervention Leader

Tutor - 7S1

Tutor - 7S2

Tutor - 8S1

Tutor - 8S2

Tutor - 9S1

Tutor - 9S2

Tutor - 10S1

Tutor - 10S2

Tutor - 11S1

Tutor - 11S2

Tutor - 12S1

Tutor - 12S2

Tutor - 13S1

Tutor - 13S2


Key Stage 2/3 Transition Lead

Key Stage 4/5 Transition Lead

Subject Staff


Mrs Houghton (Head of Faculty)
Mrs Chetty

Mrs Hegarty

Mrs Lawrence

Mr Oyo

Miss Stevens 

Ms Townsend
Miss Weston

Mr Wheatley


Mr Coombs (Head of Faculty)

Ms Bergstrom
Miss Booth

Mr Davis

Mr Eveleigh

Mr Greenish

Mrs Kaur (SCITT)

Mrs Kumari

Miss Pollard

Mr Raval

Mrs Steward

Mr Townsend

Miss Williams


Mr Barrington-Wilding (Head of Faculty)

Mrs Baden (Health and Social Care)

Dr Bamford (Chemistry)

Miss Clarke  (Chemistry)

Mr Friend (Physics)

Miss Gill (Physics)

Mr Greenish (Physics)

Mrs Jackson (Health and Social Care)

Mrs Haywood (Biology)

Mrs Rodway (Biology)
Mr Spencer (Biology)

Mrs Whittenbury (Chemistry) 


Mr Withers (Head of Faculty) (History)

Mr Ashby (History)

Miss Biddles (History)

Miss Bekir (Philosophy & Religion)

Mrs Bennett (Criminology)

Miss Bracey (Head of Geography)

Mrs Bradfield (PSHE and Philosophy and Religion)

Mrs Britton (Philosophy and Religion)

Mrs Chapman (Philosophy and Religion, ASDAN, PSHE)

Mr Chick (Psychology, PSHE)

Mr Clarke (History, Politics)

Mrs Harris (Law, Criminology, Philosophy & Religion) 

Mrs Harris (Head of Social Science)

Miss Hall (Geography)

Miss Sullivan (Philosophy and Religion)

Miss Ward (History) (SCITT)

Ms Wallace (History)

Mr Weston (Geography)

Modern Foreign Languages

Miss Woolford (Head of Faculty)
Mrs Barron

Miss Cohen

Mr Evans

Mrs Silva
Mr Szymanski

Mrs White (Polish Tutor)

Business, Computing and Economics

Mr Wells (Head of Faculty)

Mr Eveleigh (Computing)

Mrs Giles (Business)

Mrs Lynam (Business)

Miss Rees (Business)

Mr Smith (Business)

Art & Design Technology

Mrs Dawson (Head of Faculty)

Mrs Darko

Miss Druce
Mrs Flynn
Mrs Inscoe

Miss Wrona

Performing Arts

Mrs Hodges (Head of Faculty, Drama)
Mrs Dragutu (Dance)

Mrs Shannon (Music)

Miss Stevens (Drama)

Physical Education

Mrs Alabidi (Head of Faculty)

Mrs Harmer

Mrs Harding-Selman
Miss Larcombe

Mr Moreira (Acting Head of Faculty)
Miss Scott

Mr Simpson

Mr Townsend

Special Educational Needs

Ms Wallace

Mrs Wood                                  

Mrs Foyle

Mr Burnham

Mrs Elwick     

Mrs Dean

Miss Brunton

Miss Dickson

Mrs Walmsley

Mr Bryant

Mrs Singh

Mrs Sooriya


Assistant SENDCo                              

Hub Leader (Cognition and Learning) 

Learning Mentor                                

Learning Mentor

Hub Leader (Communication and Interaction)

Learning Mentor

Learning Mentor


Hub Leader (Social, Emotional and Mental Health)

Learning Mentor

Learning Mentor

Learning Mentor

Support Staff                                          

Mr Axon

Mrs Forrest

Mrs Harding-Selman

Mr Miah

Mr Swann

Cover Supervisor

Cover Supervisor

Cover Supervisor

Cover Supervisor

Cover Supervisor

Mrs Bailey

Mrs Bright

Miss Burgess

Mrs Dunn

Mrs Greenwood

Mrs Harris

Mrs Horn

Mrs King

Mrs Marsland

Miss Mathis

Miss Randall

Mrs Serratore

Mrs Turner

Finance Assistant

SLT Admin Assistant

Examinations Officer

Finance Manager

Assistant Business Manager


HR Officer

HR Assistant

Trips Co-ordinator

Projects Officer and Enrichment Co-ordinator

Attendance Officer

Behaviour Lead


Mrs Blunden

Mrs Cockcroft

Miss Govinsawamy

Mrs Grabowska-Reilly

Miss Hayes

Mrs Kulakovska

Mr Sanderson

Technician (Art and Design)


Technician (Science)

Technician (Science)

Lead Technician (Science)

Technician (Art and Design)

Technician (Art and Design)

Mr Wonfor

Mr Robertson

Mr Bott

Mr Cronin

Facilities Manager

Premises Manager



Key Roles

Designated Safeguarding Lead: Miss Sparrow                                                                 

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads: Mr Davis, Mrs Britton

Teaching and Learning and CPD Lead: Mr Clarke 

Behaviour Lead: Mrs Serratore

School Counsellor: Mr Altree

Head of Sixth Form: Mr Smith

Assistant Heads of Sixth Form: Ms Hall and Mr Weston

Sixth Form Pastoral Assistant: Mrs Matthews

EPQ Co-ordinator: Mrs Bennett

ECF and ITT Lead: Mrs Rodway

Enrichment Co-ordinator: Miss Mathis

Lead First Aider: Mrs Bright

Clerk to Governors: Mrs Compton

To contact any member of staff at the school, please email indicating who you would like the email forwarded to.
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