Overview of the KS2/3 transition process
Key Stage 2/3 Transition Information
Information for Parents/Carers of Year 6 students:
When we have received your acceptance of the school place we will contact your child’s current school for information. We will also start preparing for their induction programme. Our transition day is the Thursday 3rd July 2025. Until then we will prepare our transition events around these restrictions, as they change over the coming months.
We have been conducting visits to all of our larger feeder primary schools and have also held virtual sessions to meet with students and class teachers in other schools.
Please do be assured we will be in touch regularly with updates. However, please contact our Key stage 2/3 Transition and Progress Lead, Miss Clarke, using the details below if you have any worries or questions about the transition process:

Year 6 to 7 Transition - Academically
Maximising each child’s educational journey and helping them prepare for secondary school is a part of our vision at Great Western Academy. We are committed to improving the transition experience of our students as they move from Year 6 into 7 and have developed ‘Soft transition tasks’ which have been created for every subject area by our expert Heads of Faculty.
The students can complete these activities in term 6 of Year 6 and throughout the summer if you wish to. Our goal is to improve pupil outcomes in all subject areas and to allow all students to have a base knowledge in each of the subjects they will be studying, alongside developing confidence in students in their transition from KS2 to KS3
Please click here to access to access the transition work.
Welcome to Year 7 SWAY
This is a range of videos that explain everything ‘GWA’. This will hopefully answer many of the questions you may have.
In this section you will find videos covering:
A welcome from Mr Davis, Principal
Tour of the School
Our Uniform
Our House System
Lessons at GWA
Teaching and Learning
Social Times
Preparation for Year 7
After meeting the children on the transition day, and you taking the time to watch the ‘Welcome to Year 7 SWAY’, this is a great time for your child to prepare themselves for starting Year 7 in September. Here are some suggestions for things to do before September:
Read the information available on this website with your child, particularly our uniform and behaviour policies
Ensure your child knows their route to school, whether they're cycling, walking or using public transport, and practise this route with them before starting in September
Label blazers and ties with your child's name
Make any uniform enquiries early in advance, the school uniform shop is already stocked with GWA uniform
Find out what kind of book your child likes to read, as they will always need a book at school
Watch the GWA sway above again to remind you of all things ‘GWA’
At GWA we value reading! This summer why not take part in Swindon Library’s Summer Reading Challenge? It’s free and you can sign-up at any of Swindon’s 14 libraries. Bring in your certificate to Mrs Cockcroft, the librarian, and she’ll give you 5 ACE points, the perfect way to kick-start your first term at GWA.
Transition Information
Our transition day for Year 6 students will be on Thursday 3rd July 2025 and there will be a parents' evening on the same day. Information from that day will be published after the event