Uniform - Years 7 - 11
Our uniform is smart and no more expensive than that of any other local schools. It consists of
a grey blazer with school logo
white shirt
school tie in house colours
black skirt or trousers
PE kit (teal and grey)
It is supplied by Monkhouse and is available in store (based in the centre of Swindon) or online (click to go to Store site).

The girl's blazer is shown above with embroidered skirt.
All students wear a grey blazer, white shirt and striped house tie with black trousers or skirt.
Those students wishing to wear the skirt are required to buy a pleated or straight skirt embroidered with the school logo. Alternatively, black trousers can be worn.

Our school colours are shown through the smart blazer with logo and house tie.
The colours follow through to our PE kit. The unisex shirt is shown above, but a fitted version is available.
A rugby shirt, shorts and skort are also available
Our school uniform policy is published here.