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Year 8 Curriculum Choices

Our curriculum ethos remains the same in Year 9 as it is through Years 7 and 8. We offer:

  • a broad and balanced curriculum designed to engage and challenge students;

  • an ambitious and aspirational curriculum understanding the importance of achieving the best qualifications to maximise chances of success beyond school;

  • diverse and coherent curriculum choices, developing the knowledge, skills and understanding through study that will remain with students long after examinations.


In Y9 most of the curriculum is still made up from familiar core subjects: English, maths, science, a language, geography, history, DT, PE, philosophy and religion and PSHE.

However, for the remaining 5 lessons each week, Year 9 students can choose from a small range of options in art, dance, drama, music, business studies, computing, PE theory and a second language.


Please see below the presentation slides from the Year 8 curriculum choices evening - 7 March 2025:

Presentation slides


The descriptions below help to aid students in their decision making.  For further information, please speak to subject teachers, tutors or to Mr Greenish.


Additional information


The choices you make in Year 8 may be influenced by the subjects you would like to study at GCSE. There is further information about the different GCSE courses on offer on the Year 9 options page here:


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